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SEB confirms Investly’s participation in Open Banking hackathon

by Siim Maivel

SEB is hosting an Open Banking hackathon in partnership with Garage 48 in Tallinn to kickstart their Open Banking API launch in the coming year. SEB has confirmed Investly’s participation in the programme as one of the top UK fintechs in Open Banking technology.

Announcing two new partnerships: EVEA and ERPLY Books

by Ruth Chamberlain

We are proud to announce two new partnerships: Estonian small-business association (EVEA) and cloud accounting platform ERPLY Books.

Estonia's small-business development is often limited due to the availability of working capital and insufficient funds for growth. However, if small businesses want to survive they[...]

Why Estonia is a great place to invest…

by Ruth Chamberlain

I knew Estonia was leading the world in terms of their attitude to and adoption of technology. They will be the first country enable electronic-citizens (video) and have huge tech start-up success stories such as Skype (sold to e-bay in 2005 for $2.6b) and more recently TransferWise (raising $25m in June and adding[...]

Investly launched its crowdfinancing platform in Estonia

by Investly tiim

Investly helps companies finance their growth and development by enabling both private and institutional investors to provide business loans on an online platform. All investment opportunities offered have undergone a thorough pre-screening process including business plan validation, financial analysis as well as[...]